As loud as thunder.

For over 135 years, Trine University has built a rich history of producing successful graduates who leave a positive impact on the world. However, following a name change in 2008 from Tri-State University to Trine University, awareness and brand recognition were lacking.  

Recognizing the opportunity, Trine University and Borshoff embarked on a bold advertising campaign aimed at building awareness for the university leveraging Trine’s somewhat unique mascot, the Thunder. The campaign not only announced the presence of Trine University in a powerful way, but also showcased the life-changing experience that students undergo through a supportive and collaborative approach to higher education. It captured the vibrant energy and enthusiasm that permeate the university, its students, faculty and alumni – and the results of the campaign were THUNDEROUS!  

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Generated over 52 million impressions while increasing web traffic by 57%. 

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