A bold, new brand – for everyone.

With over 140 years of banking experience, The Farmers Bank is rightfully proud of its heritage — even as they expand into new markets. Still, the bank struggled with the persistent perception that they’re “just for farmers.” They came to Borshoff hoping to refresh their strategy as they entered a new market and appeal to a younger audience while staying true to the brand’s legacy.

Quickly recognizing that the word “farmer” couldn’t be ignored, we chose to embrace it. After all, farming does evoke plenty of positive emotional connections, many of which are compatible with the honest, hardworking, service-first ideals of banking.

We refreshed the brand to represent a synergy between agriculture and The Farmers Bank community itself, which is all about being customer-centric and collaborative. The logo design also takes cues from badges and patches found in brands beloved through generations.

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The brand has energized bank employees and attracted new customers.

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