Changing behavior through uncomfortable conversations.

For over three decades, Borshoff has had the honor and pleasure to work with the Indiana Governor’s Council for People with Disabilities (GCPD) to educate and initiate behavior change towards people with disabilities.

2020 marked the 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). To celebrate, we wanted to create a campaign that was as daring as the individuals fighting for the rights of people with disabilities. It’s an ugly fact that people with disabilities are sometimes turned into objects of ridicule. This year’s Disability Awareness Month campaign, “People, Not Punchlines,” boldly acknowledges this, forcing the audience to confront the uncomfortable and begin self-reflection, conversations, and steps toward behavior change.

The campaign launched right as COVID-19 pandemic took center stage, but the campaign still managed to spread statewide and reach over 3 million people.

The campaign still managed to spread statewide and reach over 3 million people.

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