Terms of Use

Borshoff’s website contains various information in the form of text, graphics, news, reports, and other materials (“content”). By accessing, browsing, and/or using our site, you acknowledge you have read, understand, and agree to our terms of use. Borshoff reserves the right to, at our discretion, to modify, add, or delete portions of these terms of use at any time by posting updated terms on the website. Any modification will be effective immediately, and your continued use of the services or content will express agreement with those changes.

Copyright, Trademark, and Intellectual Property.  Copyright law protects Borshoff and its original works of authorship, including, but not limited to written, oral, pictorial, and audiovisual creations. No part of the creative works of authorship may be reproduced or distributed in any form, including electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the author’s written permission. You may print a limited amount of content for personal, non-commercial use only, provided that you include all copyright and other notices contained in the content and do not modify the content. All counter-notifications shall include 1) Identification of the copyrighted content (s) you believe to have been infringed; 2) Identification of the location so we may sufficiently locate the content; 3) Adequate contact information including your name, email, and phone number; 4) Your signature, physical or electronic; and 5) Statement that the written notice is accurate and you are authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner

Limitation of Liability. Borshoff or its employees, agents, officers, or volunteers, shall not be liable for any loss or damage, direct or indirect, from your use or inability to use the service or content on this site. You are responsible for evaluating the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any service or content available on this site. You represent and warrant that a) any material you post, upload, transmit, or provide through the service does not and will not violate any rules of the Terms of Use, and b) your use of the service and content complies with these Terms of Use. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Borshoff and all parties from any claims, liability, cost, or expenses, including attorney fees, arising from your breach of the expressed representations and warranties, your use of the service and content, the material you have posted, uploaded, transmitted.

Disclaimer of Warranty. Content provided by, or on behalf of, Borshoff is for informational purposes only. You acknowledge and agree that content is provided on an “as is” or “as available” basis. None of Borshoff’s partners, affiliates, and respective officers, employees, agents, and volunteers guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the content. Borshoff does not warrant that services will be uninterrupted and error-free or that its server or any files available for download are free of computer viruses or other harmful elements. We value the security of your data and take steps to protect it to the extent possible using industry-standard technology and services. You agree that the entire risk to the quality, completeness, and accuracy of our services is assumed solely by you. Borshoff, or any of its representation, does not make any express or implied warranties, endorsements, guarantees, or disclaims regarding the content provided, including the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of third-party rights.

Use of Service. Participating in service and/or opportunities on the Borshoff website is subject to 1) you may not submit information or content anonymously or under a false name/email address; 2) you may not remove, obscure, or alter any proprietary rights notices which may be affixed to or contained within the service and/or opportunity; 3) we encourage the expression of ideas, however lewd, obscene, pornographic, racist, belligerent, commercial, or sexually explicit content will not be accepted; 4) content that is unlawful or harmful to other users will not be accepted; 5) you may only submit content in which you have the copyright or permission to distribute; 6) you may not knowingly submit, upload, or transmit materials or content that contains a virus or other harmful code; 7) you may not use the website to distribute chain letters, mass mailings, or spam; and 8) you may not use the website to gather email addresses for the purpose of sending mass emails or spam.

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